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VirtualBox - Import OVA file

To import downloaded file from UI:

  1. Select FileImport appliance….
  2. In the File field, type the path to the downloaded .ova file, or click the folder icon to navigate and open it.
  3. Click Continue.
  4. On the Appliance settings page, review the settings and click Import.
  5. Click Start.
  6. When the guest has booted, note the IP address in the guest console.

To import downloaded file from CLI:

  1. Open a terminal and change directory to where the downloaded .ova file is.

  2. (Optional) Do a ‘dry run’ import to see what values will be used.

    VBoxManage import pmm-server-3.0.0 Beta.ova --dry-run
  3. Import the image.

    Choose one of:

    • With the default settings.

      VBoxManage import pmm-server-3.0.0 Beta.ova
    • With custom settings (in this example, Name: “PMM Server”, CPUs: 2, RAM: 8192 MB).

      VBoxManage import --vsys 0 --vmname "PMM Server" \
      --cpus 2 --memory 8192 pmm-server-3.0.0 Beta.ova

Reconfigure interface

Reconfigure with UI

To reconfigure the interface with the UI:

  1. Click Settings.
  2. Click Network.
  3. In the Adapter 1 field, click Attached to and change to Bridged Adapter.
  4. In the Name field, select your host’s active network interface (e.g. en0: Wi-Fi (Wireless)).
  5. Click OK.

Reconfigure via CLI

To reconfigure via the CLI:

  1. Show the list of available bridge interfaces.

    VBoxManage list bridgedifs
  2. Find the name of the active interface you want to bridge to (one with Status: Up and a valid IP address). Example: en0: Wi-Fi (Wireless)

  3. Bridge the virtual machine’s first interface (nic1) to the host’s en0 ethernet adapter.

    VBoxManage modifyvm 'PMM Server' \
    --nic1 bridged --bridgeadapter1 'en0: Wi-Fi (Wireless)'
  4. Redirect the console output into a host file.

    VBoxManage modifyvm 'PMM Server' \
    --uart1 0x3F8 4 --uartmode1 file /tmp/pmm-server-console.log

Start guest and get IP address from UI

To start the guest and get the IP address from the UI:

  1. Select the PMM Server virtual machine in the list.
  2. Click Start.
  3. When the guest has booted, note the IP address in the guest console.

Start guest and get IP address from CLI

To start the guest and get the IP address from the CLI:

  1. Start the guest.

    VBoxManage startvm --type headless 'PMM Server'
  2. (Optional) Watch the log file.

    tail -f /tmp/pmm-server-console.log
  3. Wait for one minute for the server to boot up.

  4. Choose one of:

    • Read the IP address from the tailed log file.
    • Extract the IP address from the log file.

      grep -e "^IP:" /tmp/pmm-server-console.log | cut -f2 -d' '
  5. (Optional) Stop the guest:

    VBoxManage controlvm "PMM Server" poweroff

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